Princes Laundry

See how we have helped Companies save money on their energy costs.



Tender Retail Contract


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Since 1905 when John Prince started the business in the bayside suburb of Mentone, Princes Laundry Services has grown to become Victoria’s largest commercial laundry service for the healthcare and hospitality industries. Each week Princes Laundry Services recycle more than 550 tonnes of laundry, delivering it on time to over 1200 clients around Melbourne.

How Did We Help?

Enercom Energy contacted Princes Laundry with insight into the current 6-year lows the wholesale energy industry was experiencing. We recommended our forward contracting and to also look at a blend and extend option. 

The Result

Enercom Energy brokers negotiated rates with the client’s incumbent energy retailer, and put forward a blend and extend proposal which will save over $184,000 over the term of their energy contract. 

Company Information

Enercom Energy Solutions Pty Ltd
ABN: 36641380618

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